Sunday, September 13, 2015

Life in the Swamp: Flooded Roads and Snake Bites

Over the past several weeks, a LOT of rain has fallen on southeast Georgia. This of course means that the "roads" to get in and out of my mom's property (which are not maintained by the county) are flooded.
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This is the northern "road." One of the other property owners out there just paid someone $12,000 to "fix" the road. This is the after shot. Clearly they wasted their money. In addition to being flooded, much of the "fix" included dumping clay, which has the added benefit of making it easier to get stuck. Good times.

Meanwhile, the southeastern "road" is in its usual post-rain state of flowing. At least the bottom of this part of the "road" is fairly hard packed, so one is less likely to get stuck. (Note I said 'less likely' not 'unlikely'!)

Meanwhile, this is what mom's yard has looked like much of the time in recent days:
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This being southeast Georgia, all this high water has led the natural inhabitants of Georgia's waterways to move into areas where they don't normally hang out. And by inhabitants, I mean snakes. Water moccasins (aka cottonmouths) to be exact. While my mother hasn't seen any moccasins with her own eyes, she has seen the result of not one, but two, moccasin bites in the past two weeks.

On August 31, 2015, Pepper (the pit bull puppy who was dumped out at my mom's house at the beginning of August), was bitten in the face by a moccasin. He was rushed to the vet immediately, and $1200+ later is doing fine.

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This was Pepper when he came home from the vet.

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Slightly less swollen Pepper

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Fully recovered Pepper

And then, last night, guess who else decided he needed to investigate a moccasin with his face? Sunny. (Sunny was a teeny-tiny little puppy someone dumped near mom's boyfriend's house in Suwannee county, FL back in December. He now weighs 65lbs.) From the pictures, the swelling doesn't look as bad as Pepper's, although this might be because Sunny is more than twice his size.

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Swollen Sunny

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Sunny's Saturday night emergency trip to the vet

Then, just to make matters worse, this was mom's update on Facebook this morning: "Don't know whether to put this in the category of 'Just When You Thought Things Couldn't Get Worse', or just file it away under 'Shit Happens'. Sunny, the 2nd snakebit dog (who now weighs 65 pounds) was coming back into the house when Brin (the old dog who is recovering from a broken pelvis) decided to attack him. No harm done to either dog, but Sunny, in fright, peed over about a square yard of living room rug, then backed into the front door, breaking out a glass pane. Guess from here on out my 'home improvements' will be of the 'cardboard and duct tape' type!"

I don't have pictures of the broken glass pane, and I'm not sure which one it is... but here's a shot of mom's front door, so you can get an idea of which of the glass panes might have been broken in this incident. Sigh.

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Meanwhile, did you notice her comment about the dog with a broken pelvis? He's 12 years old, and insists on maintaining his Alpha Dog status, even though he's 12 and now has trouble walking. How did he break his pelvis? Some asshole hit him with a truck. On mom's "road." Granted, it was dry in early August when this happened, so the "road" was passable - but it's a private road and not exactly a place where you might accidentally hit something because you're going so fast. Grrrrr. I bought her some road signs for her birthday last month:

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(That's the now snakebit Sunny on the left.)

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